Ysterhout Dot Net
To begin, screw the die into the press. Unscrew the body as far as it will go without falling out, and then unscrew the bullet seating screw as far as you can as well. Notice this die has a lock ring on the bullet seating screw. When locked, it keeps your AOL fixed during the loading session. If you've ever wondered why your AOL varies during a session, or between the start and the finish, your die most likely does not have a lock ring there.
Put an empty case on your shellplate, in the correct position for the bullet seating die.
Raise the ram with the empty case into the die. Because the die is fully screwed out, there is no contact with the case other than the die wall. If you contact the case mouth at this point, stop, and start from the beginning again.
Screw the die body in slowly, until it contacts the case rim. This is the point at which no crimp is actually applied, but is the start point for setting the crimp.