Making 458x1.5 brass  

Making 458x1.5 brass

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Mark the length required, spec calls for 1.5 inches dummy rounds slightly shorter in case reamer is off-spec
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Have mini-lathe, will use.
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For the first case, some tape to build up the thickness to just over the belt.
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Confirm the trim length
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Remove the sharp edges
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... and on the inside as well
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Camera skews perspective, makes long look longer and short look shorter.
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Use the first offcut to make a collet to hold the case in the chuck.
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Fits nicely to the belt thickness. With the thinner ( original case mouth ) end to the belt, gives very good concetricity.
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Case mouth is too thick. Will give on the weakest side.
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Pulled, bent out of shape case
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Looks fine from the outside, but no longer concentric inside - scrapped
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Comparing the case wall thickness at the mouth of the parent case
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Thickness at cut-off point is greater, prevents bullet seating
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Turn the inside of the case to reduce wall thickness
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400 grit paper to smooth it a bit
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Better - seating should be no problem now
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Trimmed cases with necks inside turned
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Full length sizing with a 375 H&H die produces the correct taper on the case.
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Spec states 0.485 inches max
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Redding 45 ACP seating screw [right] is longer compared to Pacific Durochrome 458 Win Mag screw, left. Identical threads.
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Seating screw from Redding 45 ACP into Pacific Durochrome 458 WinMag
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Trimmed case to 500 grain .458 solid comparison
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Bullets seat correctly after inside-neck turning
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Size comparison to 600 grain cast
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500 grain solid and 600 grain cast
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Freebore will limit OAL. Spec provides for 0.1 inches, then tapers 2 degrees over the next one inch.
Making 458x1.5 brass  

Last Updated 15 Dec 2024 at 18:51:54