The Long Powder Dropper  

During load development, the powder data called for a large amount of powder, which when I poured from the powder pan into the case just using the funnel, did not leave any space to seat the bullet. Repeating the process resulted in variations in the powder level, some slightly lower, and some slightly higher.

This is what 105 grains of IMR 7977 looks like dropped through the funnel from the powder pan.

The solution to the problem has been around for many years, it's something that black powder cartridge reloaders all know about. It's a funnel connected to a long drop tube.

It's very simple to make. If you have been reloading for any length of time, you most likely have all the necessary bits lying around somewhere.

In the base is the shellholder holder from the Lee Ram Prime.

This is a standard RCBS funnel, and the funnel adapter from a Lee powder die.

The tube is a large primer pickup tube.

Above is what 105 grains of IMR 7977 looks like before and after being dropped through the tube.

Above is what 105 grains of Vihtavuori N165 looks like before and after being dropped through the funnel.

Above is what 102 grains of Vihtavuori N560 looks like before and after being dropped through the funnel.

The Long Powder Dropper  
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Last Updated 14 January 2025 18:18:03 GMT+2