Replacing the Hornady Pro-Jector Priming Tube   Replacing a Primer Tube Assembly   Accolades   Detractions   Finale  

The ram assembly is more robust than it's successor. All the parts making up the ram are beefier, and are made from machined steel.

The steel brass kicker arm is superior to the wire ejector on the early LnL, and I believe more durable and reliable than the ejector nub machined into the base plate of the new LnL. The brass kicker arm works on all size cases, and is easily adjusted for larger cases by raising the position of the brass kicker cam. I've had two LnL presses with worn ejector nubs on the baseplate, and that only after a few thousand reloads. I fixed those by spot welding the nubs back up and dremeliled them to shape. Hornady would have replaced the parts, but it's a long process on this side of the planet, and I needed a quick fix.

The priming system is not so sensitive to powder spills as the new Lock-n-Load. The LnL has an enclosed primer punch, and when powder gets into it, it can't retract, which jams the press, and an accidental bit of force will need several Lock-n-Load parts to be replaced.

The mechanism that rotates the shellplate on the Lock-n-Load is not as strong as the Pro-Jector.

The priming system is as safe as the new LnL. The primer arm removes a primer from the stack before seating, so if anything goes wrong, only one primer blows - the rest are far away in the primer tube housing.

Part clearance is tight, exhibiting excellent workmanship. Metal quality is excellent.

It is perfectly suited for dedicated caliber reloading.

Several people have stated that their loaded round count with their Porojector exceeds 100,000 with no parts breakage, and no detrimental wear. A remarkable piece of machinery.

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Last Updated 14 January 2025 18:18:08 GMT+2