Ysterhout Dot Net
About one third the way from the ground in this picture, I put 18mm holes in the plastic and pressed two lengths of hosepipe through. This is to make the handles for the base. I expected that it would be quite heavy, and with handles two people could move it easier.
Turned out well, without the handles it would be very inconvenient to move the base around.
You'll have noticed this plastic container has holes in the bottom. I used clear tape to close them up from the inside to prevent the concrete from oozing out in the next step. Small, but important point.
I used thick rope, through the hosepipe inserts, and knotted against the plastic to make handles.
In this view, you can see the 6mm rubber cut to a circle that the base rests on. I put a carpet offcut underneath the rubber, but the rubber alone is good enough.
Also visible are the ends of the threaded bar protruding past the nuts holding the steel plate against the pot.