Ysterhout Dot Net
Now fill it up with concrete. I used ready-mix, comes in bags, and has the cement with it. I did use an extra bit of cement, just to make it a bit stronger.
By this point, just over two bags of ready-mix was used. It's a big pot.
Concrete to the top, smooth it off.
As it sets, water will come off slowly till its dry. Add water to it for the next 2 days, it helps the concrete to set properly.
Keep it out of the sun, preferably indoors while it cures. If it dries too quickly it might get all cracked up.
Once it's set, trim the hosepipe flush against the plastic.
I left mine standing for 4 days before working on it further.
Once it's set, turn it over, and you'll be looking at a steel plate bolted to a concrete-filled upside-down flower pot. Unbolt the plate and remove it so you can weld the tube to it. DO NOT WELD IT WHILE IT'S ON THE PLASTIC ! Heat + Plastic = SMOKE + FIRE .
Once the welding, grinding, drilling, etc. are done, coat every visible bit of metal surface with universal undercoat. I repeat, coat every metal surface with universal undercoat.